
Christmas at Crown Center

A couple of weekends ago, we headed to Crown Center for what I can only imagine will become an annual Christmas tradition in our house.  It was bitterly cold that day, so unfortunatly, we didn't get to explore the festive decor or ooh and aah at the 100-foot Mayor's Christmas tree outside, but had lots of warm fun on the inside!

First up, lunch at Fritz's!  This was our second trip to the ever-popular, kid-loving, train restaurant, but our first to the Crown Center location.  I was worried we would wait forever for a table.  At noon.  On a Saturday.  In December.  But to my surprise, we were seated within 20 minutes!

Brantley loved the trains even more so than when we went in July!  And because this location is far busier than the Shawnee restaurant, the trains ran non-stop.  The food (burgers) is well below average, but totally worth it to see Brantley so excited about the trains.

Next, we stood in line to visit Santa.  Again, I was expecting the worse, but the line moved rather quickly.  Of course, it helped that there was Crayola play equipment the boys could play on while we watied.  (Boys = Brantley and his friend Jackson, NOT Brantley and Craig.) 

I was unsure how of Brantley would react to Santa, especially after squirming out of Santa's lap five days sooner at our neighborhood sleigh ride.  He was definitely not thrilled at first, but quickly realized that "everyone was doing it" and that his Mama and Dada weren't going far. 

I secretly love the pictures of kids crying and screaming on Santa's lap.  They're hilarious.  Shhhh...don't tell Santa I said that!

After Santa, we wandered around Crown Center and did a little shopping.  The boys (this time I'm including Craig) loved a remote control car on display (the Turbo Twister) at the toy store and I was convinced that Brantley needed one.  Kind of like eating at Fritz's, the joy in buying your kid a toy he loved is priceless and perhaps my {new} favorite part of the holiday season.  Craig is excited, too.  He's asked on more than one occasion if we could open Brantley's present. ;)


Overall, it was a really fun afternoon at Crown Center!  Can't wait to do it again next year!
And one more thing to add.  The friends we visited Crown Center with (Mark, Hollyn, and Jackson) told us before Thanksgiving that Mark (see below) had accepted a new job in Virginia, so as soon as their house sells, they're leaving KC.  I hope, for your sake (Hollyn), it sells quickly, but for our sake, it's on the market for a looooong time. :)  We are going to miss you guys!!  Hollyn, where am I going to find another math-loving, Bachelor-obsessed, crafty/scrapbooking, little boy mama who lives really close to me and has a hubby that my hubs gets along with really well??
Best of luck to you guys as you make your way closer to family! 

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