
Four, Two, One...

Well, nothing screams second wedding anniversary quite like this...

Separate beds on opposite sides of the room.  Not to mention a wife that is basically wearing diapers.  Not to complain though...I wouldn't change it for the world. 

Two years ago at this time, we were preparing for what was, at that point, the best day of our lives.  It was an amazing, romantic, and fun-filled day spent with all of those we love the most.  I will never, ever forget our special wedding day - 07.10.10 - and all that it involved.

But now, two years later, we have celebrated what really has been the best day of our lives.

It's been four amazing years together, two blissful years of marriage, and now we have one of the best gifts of all.

This little guy.

Our plans for celebrating include none other than a sack lunch, time spent in the NICU, and dinner consisting of one of the many frozen meals I prepared two weeks ago.  Oh, and watching the big All-Star game that takes place right here in KC!  And, you know what?  I'm perfectly fine with that. :)

Happy 2nd anniversary to my honey!  I love you and look forward to many, many more!

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