
My Favorite Things

Oprah does it, so why can't I?  Here are some of my favorite things, in no particular order!  Most revolve around food...what can I say, I like to eat!

Starbucks Via - I got suckered into buying this about a month ago during my weekly trip to Starbucks.  There were having a deal - buy a package of Via for $6-something and get a free grande drink!  Of course I'm not going to turn that offer down, when I pay $4 for my drink anyway.  Via is a ready-brew, flavored coffee you simply add to hot water.  I bought the normal drink of choice is a caramel macchiato and it was a great substitute for that!  Super easy and tasty!
Green Giant Steams-in-the-Bag Veggies - I am so non-creative when it comes to side dishes.  We usually have mashed potatoes or Suddenly Salad...both of which get old fast.  I found these in the produce isle next to the bag salad.  You put them in the microwave for two minutes (in the bag!) and they're done!  So easy, SO good!  We especially love the garlic green beans.
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Control - I love this facewash!  It leaves my face feeling very tingly, refreshed, and clean.  It is also a great exfoliator. 
White Fudge Oreos - One of my favorite things about the holidays!  I love, love, love these!  We've already gone through two boxes this year!!  I'm not even a huge Oreo fan, but something about an oreo covered in white fudge is really good.  I think I've even gotten Craig hooked...  Get them soon - they're only around for the holidays!

Babybel Cheese - I take my lunch to school every day.  (22 minutes just isn't enough to walk to the lunchroom, go through the lunch line, eat, and return the tray.)  These little chunks of cheese are an excellent addition to my lunch!

Tyson White Chicken Salad Lunch Kit - This is a great substitute to the same old, same old PB&J for lunch every day!  The kit comes with chicken, relish, mayo, and crackers.  It's even better if you add dried cranberries. =)  The tuna lunch kits are pretty great, too!
Laughing Cow Cheese - Another good additon to my lunch.  I switch back and forth between Babybel and Laughing Cow (which are actually made by the same company).  These come in little wedges (about 10 per pack) and make for a great cracker spread!  I prefer the Swiss and like it on the generic brand of triscuits. 
Monogrammed Lunch Tote - I gave these cute, monogrammed lunch totes to my bridesmaids, so of course I had to order one for myself too!  You can customize them in almost every color and font.  They are lined with foil-insulation.  I've gotten a lot of compliments on it and it makes carrying my lunch to school way more fun.  Order from for only $15.95 plus shipping.
Social Suppers - I am very lucky...I have a husband that does SO MUCH around our house.  He cleans, remodels, takes out the trash, and does most of the laundry and yardwork.  The least I can do is make dinner.  I'd be lying if I said I love doing it every night.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy cooking very much...I just hate having to decide what to eat every single night of the week.  Luckily, some friends introduced me to Social Suppers.  Social Suppers is a local KC business that allows you to prepare meals to take home and freeze.  When you're ready to eat them, you thaw, bake, and serve.  So easy!  They offer full-sized meals that feed 4 to 6 or half-size meals that feed 2 to 3 people.  They change their menu every month so it never gets old!  Yes, it may be slightly more expensive than purchasing the ingredients on your own, but they also offer meals I would never think of creating from scratch.  And it seems when I make a full pan of something from scratch, we end up throwing half of it out because we get sick of eating the leftovers.  This is such a time saver, especially on the nights I'm at dance practice until 6:30.  

Starbucks Oatmeal  - I don't get it often, because it's not the cheapest of breakfasts.  But on occasion, or when we're out of breakfast food at home, I'll spluge.  I'm not sure why, but it tastes so much better than when I make oatmeal at home (I've tried instand AND real oats).  I think it's the package of dried fruit and nuts they give you.  Yum!
Uggs - If you don't have a pair of Uggs, I highly recommend them.  They are so comfortable and so warm!!  They look great with jeans, sweatpants, skirts, dresses, leggings, everything!  I bought a my first pair two years ago and still wear them every day!  Yes they are expensive, but SO WORTH IT!  I'm hoping for a second (knit) pair for Christmas. =)


  1. You "know part of your job as a wife is to make dinner"? Dude, you make me look like a 1950's husband. I need to write a blog entry stating "I know my job as a husband is to do everything else..."

    And by the way....I grill and I help cut things! And I ALWAYS clean-up after dinner.

  2. I love lists like this. Mine would include a lot of food as well but it would be entirely different. Plus it would include the girls from Dolls as well.
